
I’ve had a lot of luck and good timing getting started on my Montessori journey. Finding out that preschoolers are hilariously fun to work with, landing a Montessori job with barely an interview and living close to a spectacular AMI training center.
Unfortunately I didn’t realize how lucky I had been until we moved away. Away from a school that really embraced the full philosophy. Away from a great network of schools to visit for inspiration. Away to this place not covered in the price for standard continental shipping.
Yes, that part about shipping is actually relevant. I love being in the classroom, working with the children, but one of my dreams had been to set up a small side business making materials. However, realistically Alaska is not the best place to begin a project like that!
So instead I thought of another way to share my love of making materials. There are lots of resources online, but it takes a lot of sifting to find those of good quality; or those that have the specific parts I need for an activity. And anything not pertaining to three part cards is even more scarce! What about all those cute little aprons, cloths, etc. you see in pictures? Where are the instructions for those things?
Usually I found that it’s simpler to make my own things the way I really need them and over the years I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t.
That is my goal with this blog. To share some of the tricks I’ve learned and create a resources for those who want to do it themselves! This is a blog that will thrive with lots of input from the community who reads it. Please be sure to comment, ask questions, and contact me so we can build this resource to provide quality projects for both guides and parents!

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