Monday, February 24, 2014

Overheard in the coat room

After a week long hiatus from school for winter break the children were quite happy to be back. Overheard in the coat room this morning-

Child 1: Do you know why I'm smiling?
Child 2: Because you're happy?
Child 1: No! Because I'm so excited to be back!
(I guess excited and happy aren't the same thing?)

Me: Did you have a good break?
G (nods head)
Me: Did you have fun?
G (nods head)
Me: Did you play with your sisters?
G (nods head)
Me: Do you miss us?
G (nods head, stops halfway through) "Huh?"
(I think she was still on auto pilot for the morning!)

G (entering the coat room): I have to make two trips because I have so much stuff!
M (just as G starts to leave): Hi G!
G (pausing): Hi.
L (just as G leaves the coat room): Hi G!
G (backtracks a few steps and peeks back in to the coat room): Hi L!
E (watching this whole thing from 2 feet away, waits until G has left the coat again) Hi G.
G (keeps walking, stops, turns around and hurries back) Hi E!
(all children continue hanging up their clothing and ignoring one another as though this never happened....)

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