Monday, May 12, 2014

Thanks for the help

Well the children welcomed me back with a bombardment of asking for presentations. I showed three different children the geometry cabinet with its matching cards. Then I worked with two other children on reading and labeling cards. 

This in addition to all the other small things I did during the morning work cycle that have just become routine. (I've quit even trying to keep track of how many times I've said the words, "Walk please.")

My favorite part of the day though? I was getting ready to show one of the twins the sound cylinders, having him carry each of the boxes over to an empty table while I wrapped up my last project. As I look up to see how he's doing I see him carrying one of the teacher's stools over to his table! I walked over to join him and said "Thanks for getting me a stool"

"Yeah," he replied non-nonchalantly, "Me think you want stool." Then he sat down and just waited for me to show him what to do with the material. Now that is a child who's gotten down the classroom routine!
I do need to say that D did carry his stool
in a more correct Montessori manner than this boy! :)

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