Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The week we played inside

Ok, so it hasn't been a week yet, but it's not looking promising. We have a policy of not letting the children out for recess when it's 0 degrees out, including wind chill. Well this week it's been close to zero, actual temperature. Brrr!! So we've been inside and have yet to make tracks in our wonderfully snowed in yard.

The kids haven't been complaining, though they have been looking longingly out the window. Instead we've played with the parachute, done a lot of Simon says and just played with some toys in general. The kids are really in to building with these cardboard bricks we have. They're about a foot long and there's enough that they can actually build a pretty decent fort. It's funny though because there's almost as much squabbling over who gets to put the bricks away as to who gets to play with them in the first place. Don't ask me why, maybe they're fun to carry or something?

Anyways, today though the apparent big hit was limbo. I turned on some music, held a pole for them to walk under and the hilarity ensued. Children crawled under the pole, they belly slid, they crab walked, they wriggled and giggled and had just a great time. Oh, and nobody got stepped on either, yes! The best part though was right after when I lined up the older children to go back to the classroom and as they walked out they were all still dancing a little bit and saying 'thank you'! A pretty awesome end to what might have been a stuffy, boring indoor recess.

Except now I have to top that tomorrow...hmm....

The play yard the children are just itching to get out and play in.
Now it it would only warm up enough to go outside! 

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