Thursday, January 30, 2014

Starting the day off right

It's not just breakfast that starts a day out right, and even having a good breakfast doesn't necessarily make the day good. But working with children? Something's bound to make the day brighter.

The troop from daycare came in eagerly this morning but I didn't get my usual good morning handshake. I got hugs instead! I don't know if I looked like I needed a hug or what, but it was a nice way to start the morning.

And it kept getting better.

J came in, a giant grin on her face and an eager handshake. She had been sick the day before and just when I finished saying that I was glad she was back one of the 4 year olds came up and said the exact same thing to her. J looked at her, a little confused, and asked, "Why's everyone so glad to see me?" I had to laugh and ask her "Well why wouldn't they be?" And her face just lit up with a huge grin.

Later this same girl took out the moveable alphabet and wrote more words with it than I've ever seen her do before.

But wait!
There's more!

L came into the classroom, literally skipping with happiness. She held up a hand for me to shake, grinned out a good morning and then danced off to find work.

So about that rule for walking...who can stand to curb that kind of excitement?

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