Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring is in the air!

And what does that mean at school?

1. Most of the snow is in the process of melting. Not melted, mind you, but melting. There's still enough in the back yard that we can pull out the sleds at recess. There's also enough  melted that said sleds can become extremely muddy. (Hence why a two children spent recess cleaning the mud off them).

2. Spring themed art work has appeared on the shelf, and our art bulletin board. Cutting tulips out of construction paper and 'planting' them on more construction paper has been a big hit today. Though for some reason we have an excessive amount of pink ones....hmm....

3. Snow pants, hats and mittens are being forgotten like crazy. It's actually quite entertaining how some children show up with full winter gear (including an additional sweatshirt and neck warmer) while others come in tennis shoes and a fleece jacket.

4. New students are interviewing--much to the delight of our current children who are so exuberant in their excitement over new faces that they might be just a little bit overwhelming.

5. Distraction and commotion have become the norm but work still gets done. Even with a rather large vomiting incident this morning the children kept on working with hardly a break in their own pursuits. Ok....so there were quite a few stories that began with "this one time, when I threw up...." but really, a lot of work did get done.

6. And the best sign yet? The fact that even with all their teachers out of the room tending a sick child, chaos didn't consume the room. And each child who had to go to the bathroom during recess could be trusted without an escort. And no one needed to be reminded to hang up their jackets and place their lunch boxes on the shelf. It all just happened.

Sigh...our class is growing up :)

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