Thursday, February 5, 2015

It Happens.

Spilling that is. Some days more than others.

First C spilled some grain and it was scattered so far that he was completely losing track of where he was picking it up to. So I helped him get that under control.

Then O spilled a little bit of water while pouring with the land and water forms. And then as he was wiping it up he proceeded to spill the rest of the water out of the plastic forms....I"m hoping he learned the lesson that when you pick up and tilt something with water in it it will spill...and spill EVERYTHING! He got so distracted that he couldn't even manage to walk back and forth to get a new cloth to dry with. So I got the majority of the water mopped up for him and then got him to finish the job with not quite constant reminders of what the next step was.

And finally at the very end of the day S and W spilled the water from the dish washing bins....both of them. Spilling the first one apparently inspired them to go back and get the second and attempt to pour it onto the counter by the sink because 'the floor was wet' in front of the sink....

That one took a little bit. Luckily while the two of them and myself got in to the rhythm of wiping and wringing water into the sink the other children kept themselves busy singing songs. No clue what songs they were singing but hey, they were amused. It took moving an entire shelf, drying the dustpan and brush (don't ask) and probably half of our generous supply of floor cloths. And what did we accomplish? A floor that didn't have any visible puddles but still squeaked when you walked.

Um...mission accomplished I guess? After all, we were leaving for the day, it'll be dry by tomorrow....right?

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