Wednesday, February 4, 2015

No wonder we can't keep track of what's going on!

"D is this your snack?" An older child came in to the coat room.

"No that A's." He replied and turned back to putting his shoes on. The older child obediently tried to hand it to D's brother who frowned.

"That not mine. I give mine to daddy already." He replied firmly, making no move to grab the offered snack. The older child looked from one boy to another, all of them standing in silence. Finally she turns around and leaves without another word. A turned and looked at his brother.

"That your snack D, I saw'd the 'd' on it." He stated firmly.

"Oh," his brother answered, still pulling on his shoes. "Ok." A accepted this without comment and started putting on his own shoes.

Meanwhile as I walk out to the other room I see the older child, snack still in hand, trying to explain herself to another teacher.

"Did you find out who's it was?"

"I don't know."

"Did you ask D and A?"



"I don't know who's snack it is!"

Oh the mysteries of preschool.

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