Thursday, September 24, 2015

Meet the kids!

I can't believe that it's been over two weeks since school started! My biggest surprise was that it took us until this week to break our first piece of glass (from the grain pouring)...and then of course we broke three plates since! Oh well, it was a nice streak while it lasted.

Now that a bit of time has passed I feel like I have a better handle on the children in my class and have seen a bit more of their personalities. I'd really love to look back at the end of the year and see how far off I was!

The second years-

C - She's come back just eager for school, especially to share the experience with her little sister just starting in the other room! She's been wonderfully eager to practice a lot of things from last year while I've been busy with the younger students. Last year I guessed she was going to be one of the easy good ones and I'm glad to see the summer hasn't changed her!

S- A very mature and self contained little girl S has been very eager to show around the younger students, though she sometimes gets a bit silly and carried away with pretending and making up stories. I think she'll be a lot more focused once I have time to start working with some more challenging things with her, though I hope she learns that practice is an important part of learning!

M- My youngest returning girl who often acts like the oldest. She's very happily settled in to the role of older mentor and loves working with the younger children. What's really impressed me is how understanding she is with them and pretty open to compromising. She's always been a very dedicated worker and I can only see that continuing. I really hope she learns to speak up a bit more for herself though rather than coming to tattle to me.

O- The only returning boy who is thrilled to have more people to tell his stories to. Unfortunately he's a bit too forward and in your face for most of the younger children, and the one who doesn't mind gets way too crazy with. He's got very good intentions but is definitely a wanderer and doesn't have a lot of impulse control yet. Unfortunately he also has strong opinions and wants to make sure they're heard!

N- My honorary second year student! N just turned four the second week of school and is so mature for her age that she's already settled in with the other girls. She's careful with the materials, follows directions easily and is extremely respectful and polite. These are the types of kids you dream about having in class! She's also very eager to help the little ones and is really good with them. And even though she doesn't know a lot of works in the classroom she's been very good about keeping busy, mainly by working with the older girls. I think she's going to be another really good one!

The new ones!

C- Another one I was excited to have! C has an older brother in the other classroom and I can see a lot of similarities. He's going to be a pretty quiet one and I'll have to make sure I don't overlook him.I think he's going to be mainly an observer rather than a doer (like his brother actually!). He doesn't want to do too many new things with me, but he watches everything! Now if we could just get over his nerves about using the bathroom at school...

I- My youngest little one who is only going to come three days a week...which concerns me. Other than the obvious of having less time, I think it's going to be hard on her because of her habits. She's obviously used to having mom (or dad) nearby during all things and is constantly asking me 'What next?" or saying "it's too hard!" She also seems to be a perfectionist and only wants to do things the right way. Sorry, but I have nine other children that need my attention, I'm not going to be there to affirm everything and I only hope that she adapts to that even though she's only here a few days a week....She's definitely a brave little thing though. It's obvious that she's just waiting for mom to come and fighting to hold herself together and not cry. That's some guts and determination there!

J- My puzzle expert. J was the first one in our class to successfully complete the puzzle map of South America (yes even before the four year olds!). He's going to keep me on my toes because he's really quick and needs challenge. He's also excellent at keeping busy and has awesome work habits when it comes to choosing things and putting them away when done. I hope I can keep up with him so he doesn't get bored and cause trouble!

K- My work in progress who I'm already sure is going to be the most improved by the end of the year. Right now he only speaks about 10-12 words without prompting, though even over just two weeks I feel like his vocabulary is expanding. He's also spending most of the day in the bathroom, changing clothes while we try to figure out how to convince him to use the toilet. He's been really curious about the other children, though it's obvious he hasn't had much of a chance to play with children his own age and isn't quite sure how to. However his mom was mostly concerned about his behavior, and other than taking toys from children he's been a very sweet boy who tries to please and has been my buddy when it's time to take the nap room down at the end of the day. Maybe by the end of the year he'll be putting the cots away himself and I can just watch!

S- Another younger sibling who definitely is used to having a bit of his own way through whining. Part of it right now I think is he's still usually in a state of exhaustion and running on fumes most of the times. He definitely wants to listen and follow the rules, but easily forgets what he's doing and gets distracted. Yesterday we spent an hour picking up grain together because he purposely dumped it on the table and flicked it around. On the other hand he didn't really complain much as we did it. I'm thinking he'll be one who just needs to get used to the schedule (and get more sleep!) and once he finds those interesting activities I won't need to worry about him so much!

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