Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 1: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the cute!

So it's taken most of the weekend to recover but I'm proud to say that myself and all 10 students survived the first week of school! Well...I think at least....not sure how they fared after going home on Friday.... Obviously I didn't have time to take pictures much this week so use your imaginations ;)

The good:
  1. Everyone made it through the morning work cycle with minimal crying by Friday!
  2. No broken materials during the first week, way better than I expected!
  3. I know everyone's name ;)

The bad:
  1. I have no idea what my non-native speaker is saying 99% of the time
  2. One of my 3 year old boys is already comfortable enough to start testing the climbing trees...and shoving sand in his face...and sliding his cot around the nap room....
  3. Lots of changing of wet pants...yeah....

The ugly:
  1. Above mentioned child who was shoving his face in the sand had lovely colored snot running down his face when mom came to pick him up, oops!
  2. I was so busy at one point I allowed a younger child to create an utter mess with the clay because it was keeping him occupied. Let's just say that I'm still finding green clay in odd places, such as my backpack...which was in the closet.....
  3. At one point there was a puddle of urine...on a

The cute:

  1. One of my new little boys kept calling for me to tuck him in at nap, and then fell asleep before I could make it over there. So tired!
  2. Another new child went through every single cylinder block, then every box of knobless cylinders, then every single puzzle on my intro shelf. I foresee a good work ethic there!
  3. All my returning children entertained themselves spectacularly while I was busy integrating the new ones. I showed one of them how to use the new stereognostic bags and she proceeded to show the others how to do it...and made sure they all had a turn...and they helped each other with their blindfolds (including remembering to put the dirty ones in the laundry!)....and they did this all week...I'm so glad they're back!

It's gonna be a good year!

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