Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Don't let anyone tell you there's such a thing as a word that's too big for a three year old!

"I gotta tell Teacher Alex!" S hollered as he came pounding the door, lunch box swinging wildly as his dad dodged out of the way. He looked up at me with those giant brown eyes, mouth open with awe.

"There's an excabator out there! There's two ekabators! And they're MOVING!" The sheer excitement of the situation seemed to be too much for him to even get the words out and yet he had to tell me so fast that it took a second to even register what he was saying.

"Yes there is an excavator out there. What's it doing?"

"The ekabator's digging the dirt! I'm gonna tell F." And with that he pounded off to let his brother know about the excavator. You know, in case he had somehow missed the GIANT YELLOW MOVING machine in the front yard.

And who know there were so many ways to say excavator?

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