Monday, October 5, 2015

One month

Tomorrow marks the official end of one month of school...and I won't get to be there for it :( While I'm at home recovering from strep throat the kids will be there with a substitute teacher. And you know what, I'm not too worried. Today I really saw how much progress we've made over the course of that month.

J and little C spent almost all morning following M around. She invited them to watch her arrange flowers, then she and J built the pink tower together while C went off and made his first bird book (mostly) independently. Meanwhile S asked to learn about the geometric solids and before I could even answer O offered to teach him! So they spent about 15 or 20 minutes building rocket ships and discovering other ways the bases of the solids fit together.

Meanwhile have no idea what big C did most of the morning. I just know that every time I looked up she was happily working away diligently at something. Fastening buttons, cutting paper, playing with clay. She still likes to come over and tell me what she's doing but she's become such an independent worker that I'm really proud of her.

And then there was K. K who doesn't speak much english but is finally showing that he has a lot of comprehension of what we're saying. K who had to change his pants at least 10 times the first day of school but hasn't had an accident the past 3 days of school. K took out two activiites completely independently and even returned one of them to the shelf without a reminder! He knew that he needed to finish cleaning up the grain he spilled before it could be put back and did such a good job (with a little helping encouragement) that I could finally introduce water pouring to him. That was when I found out that he did know the words wet and dry. So now thanks to that one presentation he's got several new activities to try-
  • Putting on an apron, including snapping it
  • Actually pouring water
  • Wiping up a spill with a cloth
  • Hanging said cloth up on the drying pack WITH a clothespin
  • Rolling an oilcloth (ok, this one he already knew but needs more practice!
And how do I know all these things? Because today I could actually sit and observe to take all this one. I gave 4 or 5 new presentations and was barely interrupted during them for an 'emergency'. Yet I still had time to sit on my stool and take notes. It was wonderful to see them all settled in to the routine and busy working both alone and with each other.

So here's hoping that they're at least half as good tomorrow!
Please let some of these good things happen tomorrow!

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