Thursday, April 12, 2018

A change of direction

For those scrolling through older posts this is where a shift in direction happens. Overall a pretty subtle one, but still a different direction.

I found it hard to consistently tell tales about what happened in the classroom as I got more students and had several very challenging ones that I didn't want to write about over and over again. Now I'm in a new state, a new school, a new classroom...and I"m still not sure I can consistently share what's going on in the classroom.

However over the years I've found that my real passion about the classroom is figuring out how to craft, beautiful and engaging materials to share with the children. And as time has gone by I've been disappointed again and again over the lack of quality resources for Montessori guides. Between these two things I want to take this blog in a new direction.

So, sorry mom but there won't be quite so many cute kid stories. But I'm sure they'll sneak in from time to time!

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