Friday, April 13, 2018


Maria Montessori referred to adults in the Children's House as Guides rather than teachers. The idea being that they were not teaching the children, but rather guiding them in a direction that they could discover the information for themselves
However as one of those Guides I've struggled to find someone to guide me after completing my training! The majority of websites about Montessori are either informational or about parents sharing their experiences following the Montessori principles with their own children. Now I think all of those are great, the more the word gets out about Montessori the better!

However, the blogs that speak to me the most are those published by other Guides. Those who not only practice the theory in their daily lives, but also know the reasons behind why we do what we do. These are the ones that most often inspire me to create something new to share in my classroom. They give me ideas of little tweaks that make things run just that much smoother.

My hope is to add to this small pool, to give others working in classrooms (and at home!) more resources to draw from. After all, we prepare the environment for the children, giving them the tools to learn what they need. Why not do the same for those attempting to guide them in the write direction?


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