Monday, November 18, 2013

Does the copy machine work on people?

Does the copy machine work on people? Because I sure could have used an extra one or two of me after recess today. Ok, so it was a little bit of my own fault. The other staff who normally helps me get the nappers ready was gone for the day, and I figured, "Hey, there's only 9 of them, I can handle it alone." Umm...yeah, not so much.

Getting ready for nap is a half an hour process; the kids come in, take their boots off, grab their inside shoes, take off their outdoor clothing and stow it, use the bathroom (only two at a time!) and then head into the darkened nap room. Almost 3 months into the school year, you'd think they'd know the routine by now. Nope. I had one kid still taking off his boots in the back hallway. two running circles around the rug near the boot shelves, four in the coat room playing hide and go seek, one wandering up and down the bathroom hallway, and the last sitting in the nap room fully dressed because she's been hitting one of her friends with a mitten.

Yeah, I could have used at least four more copies of myself. They all got through it, only five minutes late , but I guess they were pretty restless in the nap room. On a normal day we end up with about 7 or 8 who actually sleep. Today only 5 did. Sigh. Tomorrow I think I'll give a presentation after recess on how to take off our outdoor clothing. At least it will keep them all together in one group!

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