Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Soap, soap and more soap

We are out of soap. Not the liquid kind for handwashing, the bar kind. The reason? This thing-

Pretty much actual size

Our soap grating activity has been off the shelf constantly for the last week or so. One of the older children just got really interested in doing the grating and inspired a few of the younger children to start as well.  They take a small bar of soap, grate it with the tiny little grater, and then spoon the resulting powder into a tiny bucket with a lid.

This is one of those cool Montessori activities that is linked to another activity in the classroom since the grated soap is used for the cloth washing activity. This makes for a neat cycle for the children to notice. They get the cloths dirty doing something like polishing, then can wash and hang them up to dry to be used again. Similar to what actually goes on at home.

Unfortunately we don't have any children right now who are really interested in washing cloths and so there's been a slight backlog of soap. I think the children have grated around 7 or 8 bars of soap, and filled up both the soap shaker for cloth washing, and the small bucket with the soap grating. Guess I'd better find somewhere to store it all if I can't inspire anyone to use it up!

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