Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sick Day

I'm sick....definitely sick. Mandatory day off for Strep Throat and no clue what went on with my students today. Or even who was in the classroom with them! Not that I doubted that they were in good hands, but since I don't have anyone else in the classroom with me on a daily basis there's no one  reliable to keep things going forward. The children are helpful and have good intentions but....not exactly reliable.

I spent all morning wondering what they were doing.

Did C keep trying to use the Land and Water forms, even though I've told him countless times that he's not ready yet?

What about O, how many things did he errantly tell the sub "Yes, I"ve been shown that." He really has no idea what he can practice or not.

And poor W, he was gone and Monday and now his first day back and there'll be someone different in a room that re-arranged on him.

I thought about M, if she was trying to hide away from the stranger in the room. Circling around their peripheral vision like she did with the photographer.

S and C I'm not worried about too much, I bet the two of them actually had a good time telling the substitute how things usually worked. Maybe even being a little bit bossy to them about doing it like Teacher Alex said. Hey, I can hope can't I?

One thing I wasn't concerned about them forgetting though was putting a bead on the string. Each day we add a new one to our bead calendar. It's become their end of the day tradition. They clap, they cheer, they grin with excitement when that bead goes on. Last week I even caught C pretending to be putting on the bead of the day using the large wooden beads we have for an early fine motor activity. She was sitting on the chair and each bead she put on she'd say "this bead's for Monday," or tuesday or Funday or Mesterday, whatever came to mind. A few of the others even drifted over to watch her too, giggling once they realized what she was doing.

So, I'm pretty sure there's no way they let the sub forget to put on the bead at least. One thing taken care of for sure!

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