Thursday, October 30, 2014


Our little classroom has had some extra visitors lately. A group of college students came to observe for one of their education classes. It was a fairly large group that had to do some rotating to give everyone a chance to be in the classrooms since the presence of too many adults really disrupts the children. Then today we had a prospective parent come in. By the time the parents came in my students weren't even phased, visitors were old news to them!

Though they don't know about the visitor we have every day after they leave!

Meet Rudy. Technically he's the elementary class pet, but he comes over to 'help' me with classroom clean up at the end of the day and get a little hopping exercise in. He has his favorite places and activities in the classroom, just like the children do. The flower arranging is his favorite work, though he eats the flowers instead of arranging them properly. And his favorite spot in the classroom is hiding behind the sanitizing bins (the cream ones to the right in the photo). He likes to wiggle behind and then push them around or crawl inside the actual bins. I'm waiting for the children to notice the half-chewed flowers before letting them know about this little visitor!

And tomorrow we're going to have another 'visitor' that the children are very excited about. But I'll wait for some pictures to share.

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