Wednesday, December 3, 2014


"Teacher Alex the egg's funny." C came up to me with a very puzzled look on her face.

"Let me see," I said, thinking she was just having trouble peeling the hard boiled egg. She led me over to her table and I knelt down to look at the egg in the little cup. "You're right. That egg's not cooked."

Earlier O had noticed that there were no more eggs for peeling and I told him he could take the bowl and go out and ask the other adult out in the hallway if he could have some more for our classroom. He came back in a minute or two later and I didn't think anything of it until C showed me the raw egg she was trying to peel. Kind of a really difficult trick to pull off!

So we laughed about it a little bit, luckily she hadn't cracked it too hard and had even had the good sense to put it back in the little cup once it started leaking. So I went out to get the hard boiled eggs, checking with the other adult in the hallway who told me "Yeah, O didn't ask me about the eggs, I just saw him walking back to class with the bowl. Though I was curious why there were only 10 eggs in the carton when I went to boil them...."

Apparently O had gone out, and lacking an adult for direction decided to help himself to the eggs. He knew they were in the fridge and must have recognized the carton and helped himself to a couple. No problem. That's what Montessori kids are supposed to do after all; solve their own problems.

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