Wednesday, December 10, 2014

One of those "is it time to go home yet?" days

Montessori has connection of freedom and responsibility. The children are allowed freedom, but only if they can show they will be responsible enough to handle it. And I had to take away a lot of freedoms in my class today.

1) One child was brandishing a knife at someone else...twice
2) Another couldn't keep his hands off everyone elses work
3) Another couldn't decide what he wanted to work on (all morning long)
4) Yet another child drew until we were out of drawing paper (and did just a little scribble on each piece)

So, their freedom to work on what they wanted without adult interference was taken away. Not handling the responsibility that goes with freedom of choice? Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to take that away.

1) Not treating potentially dangerous objects with respect? Well I guess you aren't allowed to do that work until I have time to re-present how to do so carefully again. Which might not be for a while because let's be honest, I'm tired of cleaning up the egg crumbs on the floor after you leave.
2) If you can't stop touching work, then you may not observe. And it's still observing if you're standing 5 feet away. And no, you can't observe someone else. Or that person either.
3) Can't decide? I'll decide for you then. Don't want to do that? Sorry, make your own choice next time.
4) Out of paper? Oh look! You have this entire side still that you haven't colored on, and plenty of space still on the other side. Let's see what you can find out.

As you might be able to tell from my responses I was a bit worn out today...maybe even before the day really started. In my defense there were quite a few things working against me. The heat wasn't working so we had the little space heater going in the doorway between the classrooms and the hustle/bustle from next door kept filtering in and adding to our normally quiet community. I was also attempting to make paper with each of the children to use as their holiday presents. It's an activity really designed for an older child, or a teacher being more hands on.

So yeah. It was one of those days were I'll admit I was pretty glad when the day was over.

Until I came home to an impatient dog who didn't want to listen as well!

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