Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Painted Hands

Today our work was painting hands. Red ones, orange, yellow, green, and at least one blue for everyone (it seems to be our classrooms most popular color!).

And this project has been nearly 2 weeks in the making, talk about a long process for the children!

First the children helped me rip construction paper into confetti sized pieces (mostly at least). We soaked them over the weekend. Then, one by one, I showed them how to use the paper making activity. They scooped the sludge onto a frame, spread it out, used a sponge to soak up most of the water, and finally rolled it flat. Since they each were in charge of making 4 cards this was a pretty long adventure so it took the better part of the week to get done. Especially since I tried to make it as independent a project as possible. I also used a toaster over to help dry out the paper; the children all loved when it dinged at the end shouting "It's done!" They were quite amused that I was 'cooking' their presents.

Finally all the cards were dry with edges trimmed and ready to decorate. So myself and each eager child sat down and painted their hands to 'stamp' the paper with their personal signature. They were all very excited to do their 'fingerprints' as they kept calling it.

Note to mom: Gee, I wonder if they get told at home "Look at all those fingerprints you left on the window!", like I did a lot.

I was very impressed with their self control all morning. No one protested the ticklish feeling of having their hands painted, and in fact they all chose four different colors to stamp on. They mostly waited patiently for their turn, I had children simply checking in ever minute to see if it was their turn, rather than just hovering a couple feet away. Oh well.

In the end we had a lovely row of hand stamped cards drying to go home. I don't know how those normal preschool teachers do these types of projects day in and day out. Whew!

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