Monday, March 2, 2015

Adventures 'beyond' the classroom

"I want to go ask one of the bigger kids to read this to me," C declared today.

"One of the kindergartners?" I clarified, then set her up with a visitor's badge and sent her (and the book she wouldn't let go of) off to the other classroom. Now C isn't overly shy, but I've yet to know her to walk into the other classroom without some sort of back-up--much less talk to someone over there. But as I peeked in after her I saw her standing confidently next to the teachers assistant, waiting patiently for her turn to talk.

So when she still wasn't back in a couple of minutes I got concerned and peeked in again. C was still standing by the assistant as yet another kindergartner said that they were busy. The assistant teacher kind of looked around and I had the feeling she'd already gone through the entire list of children who could read and had come up empty. So it was on to phase 2!

"Is everyone busy? How about we go and ask one of the elementary students instead?"

So that's what we did. C was definitely more nervous going in to the 'really big kids' classroom, but she followed me in and was just ecstatic when one of the first graders agreed to come over as soon as she finished cleaning up her painting. 5 minutes later the two of them were camped out back in the 'safety' of our classroom, reading the puppy story together.

At this rate if I'm not careful I'm going to have to worry about which classroom my students are spending most of their time in!

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