Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Drawing a crowd

Today I started reading a story with one child. By the end of it I had four clustered around me and a fifth child hurriedly cleaning up so he could come and join us.

Later I was presenting the golden beads to a child, practicing counting teen numbers. One child drifted over to watch. Another pulled up a chowki to work nearby. (and by nearby I mean practically on my feet!). The final two set out their work at two of the nearest tables.

So in this whole room the entire class was crammed into a space about 8 feet square. None of them was really chatting with each other or all that interested in much beyond their own work, they just wanted to be close by I guess.

And then the baby came to visit us.

Little T often comes in to hang out in our room while his mom gets some work done in the office. He's a good little observer and the younger children love having him visit. So of course when T got a bit fussy and I shifted him from his bouncy chair to a mat on the carpet my students followed him like ducklings.

Granted they did all finish the work they had out first (including putting it away!) so I can't be too upset. Still though, they have an entire classroom I prepared especially for them. Come on guys, appreciate it already! ;)

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