Thursday, March 12, 2015


Spring is coming! And after discovering that "Lake Superior" had moved into our play yard earlier this week we've migrated to having recess in the front yard; which has the major benefit of all day sun and a good drainage slope.

And finally today, the sandbox reappeared. Yesterday the last few stubborn remnants of ice and snow made the sand visible but too tough for much digging but not today. Today there were mud pies made, moats dug and castles constructed. Sand gardens were planted and chocolate cakes decorated. Hands were brown and gritty from the digging and carrying. A few faces got washed in dirt (both intentionally and not) and there was hardly a clean mitten in the place.

But best of all were the little treasure that were unearthed. Colored stones and coins we had purposely hidden as well as the regular run of the mill pebbles that for some reason have the same effect as unearthing real treasure, go figure.

And now I realized that I forgot to double check the pockets of a few overzealous treasure seekers....The rule is if you find it you bury it in a new place but it's been a while and I bet there's been some forgetting....

Hopefully there's some treasure left!

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