Monday, August 4, 2014

Back in Session!

Wow, it's amazing what can happen over 5 weeks! All the children came back and I could have sworn they all grew 5 inches. All those little three year olds looked so grown up, walking in to school with such confidence. They were back. They knew what was going on. They knew where those tricky shoes and lunch boxes went (and even when we changed some things on them they could roll with the punches!).

But what they didn't know was that they were going to encounter something new...well make that someONE new. Four new children joined us for the summer session, and I could see it on the returning children's faces how blown away they were. That had been them last year. The child crying because they wanted dad was doing just what they had done. They watched, stunned at these new children joined the line and entered the classroom with them; not quite sure what they should do.

By recess it was all sorted out. New friends played together in the bower of lilacs, rules were explained to the youngest members of the community (sometimes multiple times!). And the new 'recruits'? Well they might not have known the names of all the children they were playing with, but they sure knew who they wanted to be with!

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