Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Finishing Touches

New student orientation is less than one week away and my classroom is finally coming together. Though there is still plenty more to do (including some things I know won't be done in time for the start of the school year), I'm beginning to feel that the room is ready to welcome the newest children at our school.

Most of the first couple of weeks will be spent getting the children used to completing a cycle of activity (including taking out a work, using it properly, then returning it to the shelf for the next person). I'm also going to be doing a lot of grace and courtesy lessons, such as how to roll a mat, how to move a chair, etc. Oh, and how to wash your hands at the sink. That's probably one of the more important lessons! Actually, the fact that I know how a set of completed hand towels for my students to use may be what has finally made my room feel more complete. If nothing else they will be able to wash their hands!

Washcloths magically sewn in to hand drying towels.
I can now sleep knowing I can teach the children how to wash their hands!

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