Thursday, August 28, 2014

Orientation: Day 2

Well I survived another day with my new students. It was definitely an easier day, mainly thanks to having two groups of 3 instead of a group of 2 and a group of 4.  Plus no one really cried at drop off, and they were so stinking adorable! Now, that's not really the way my trainer would have wanted me to talk about the children, she'd hope for something a bit more respectful of their growing individual selves, but I think adorable described them perfectly today.

With both groups I had a chance to actually just pause for almost an entire minute and just watch them work. Not bad for new children who aren't used to being in a situation like this. And in the second group they were all actually working on the cylinder blocks at the same time. It was so cute! All three of them, at their separate little tables, intently lifting the cylinders by the knobs to put them in and take them back out. That was the best part to is that they were even using them just as I had shown, it was so awesome!

As you might be able to guess I felt pretty good about how today went. I had it a bit more in my head of what the day was going to look like: taking them all to the bathroom first, reviewing our three rules, then a short lesson about how to sit in a chair, and after that going wherever the children led.

Not that it was perfect, there was definitely a few minutes where I had two children waiting outside the bathroom while the boy inside proceeded to not just pull down his pants to use the toilet, but actually took them and his shoes off to complete the act. And unfortunately he's not had much practice dressing himself as I soon found out.

But it went really well. I got in a few nice presentations and exposed my more impatient students to the idea of waiting. I really made a point to explain that "I'm working with so-and-so. When I'm done I will come and help you." They were very receptive to it.

I definitely let some things slide that I won't later on in the year, such as a child leaving work out while they observe someone else. I know most things are easier to be strict on at first and ease up later, but because I'm in the position of being the sole teacher in my classroom, I need to take advantage of any involved time they have right now.

Here's hoping that tomorrow goes just as well! (though it might make me nervous if it does!)

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