Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tools of the Montessori Teacher

As the time to welcome my new students rolls ever closer I've rediscovered a great tool at home. Meet my favorite appliance (is it an appliance?)-
This old machine was a generous present from my grandmother and oh has it come in handy making classroom materials. There are so many things in the Montessori classroom that are better when they are handmade. I've made over 100 small drying cloths with this thing, as well as some random fabric pouches and other items.

The last few nights I've been working on making some hand towels for the children. Even a washcloth is really too large to be used for drying ones hands when one is only 3 years old. So with the help of this nifty machine I cut them all in half. Plus it's always nice to double the quantity for free- and even better to quadruple it when cutting down regular hand towels. At least it makes ME feels like I'm being thrifty.

I'm really hoping these items last for quite a few years. Unfortunately they are going to have to put up with the abuse of being used on a nearly daily basis as well as being washed on the same schedule. But if not I'll hopefully be able to make some replacements just as easily. That is if I can figure out why that wonderful serger suddenly started cutting its own thread....maybe it's just tired from overuse? Maybe? *Fingers crossed*

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